Published Jun 11, 2012
30 Posts
Hey all,
So I have a video conference interview with the folks at UNC for a new grad OR residency program on Wednesday. I'm super excited for the interview and also real nervous. I live in Massachusetts, so I don't know much about North Carolina or the hospitals to be honest. The job market is SUPER saturated up here, so I've had to look elsewhere...
Are there are OR nurses out there currently working at UNC who can give me some inside info on the program too? Or anyone who has completed the program in the past? Or any nurses working at UNC in general? Just curious about the facility and the OR there =)
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
I don't know a whole lot about the OR situation there, but I do know that those of that live here would just about kill to get a new grad position ANYWHERE @ UNC. Good Luck!