Published Feb 18, 2023
Guest1204968, CNA
1 Post
hi y'all! I'm in my first semester of nursing school and it's been a month and I have already failed the first four of my exams. I feel really dumb and most of it was because I was full time but now I'm part time so I need to get my stuff together now that I have more time to study. I have a question, if you have four classes in nursing school what was your study schedule or method with having four classes? I was thinking about breaking it up where one day I study for two classes and the next day I study for another two classes. Like for example, (Monday: Anatomy & Physiology then Tuesday: Human Assessment & Anatomy etc etc.) Im just really confused of how to maintain studying everyday, and just need help!! thank you.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,950 Posts
My first concern is if you already failed the first 4 exams are you even able to complete the semester with a passing grade? If you haven't already done so make an appointment to see your academic advisor. That person will know what grades you need to achieve in the remainder of your coursework to meet the passing requirements and will also know what resources are available to you to help you reach that goal.
uniteddemclub, BSN, RN
36 Posts
In nursing school I only really had 2 classes a semester that were very hard to where I focused almost all my studies on those 2. I just studied for whichever one had an exam coming up the soonest.