UMSON CNL Applicants for Spring 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all,

I am starting this thread for anyone who has applied for UMSON spring 2014 CNL class. I thought this would be a good place for us all to get to know each other and keep everyone updated on our status. Please share your thoughts, anxieties, hopes and goals for applying to this program. I am particularly interested in knowing what attracted you to this program as opposed to traditional BSN or RN. Also, please share your background? Also, current students please feel free to add any insight to enlighten us all.

Little about me, my undergraduate degree was in Political Science & Philosophy. I worked in the field of banking for seven years and then as an office manager for a radiology facility for 5.5 years. Working in healthcare field I was exposed to every aspect of healthcare management and administration, but I lacked the clinical background. I am gravitating towards family practice and very interested in providing primary care services. I want to work with the underserved populations. I like the CNL program because it is a master's level program which will give me a chance to elevate my education while giving me the hands on training to be a nurse.

Looking forward to getting to know you all. If you find this thread please introduce yourselves and share a little something about yourself :)


I am moving to the city in a few weeks - what are are you in?

Oh awesome! I live in Canton, I love it here. What part are you thinking?

This is awesome. I will be in canton too! We should work out a carpooling thing or somethinggggg??? (fingers crossed we get in :p )))

Oh my gosh that's perfect, yes hopefully it'll all work out! We should see this week ah!

Hey emilie290391, Will you be moving in with a roommate your somewhere by yourself? Do you have a place lined up? The reason I am asking because I have been looking for places to rent a room. I rather share a place with a fellow nursing students as oppose to a stranger off Craigslist.

Wagonwheel, is there any way to privately message me? I have something lined up you might be interested in.

Anyone heard anything yet? I cant help but check 100 times a day :(

nothing yet, waaahhhh

Wagonwheel, is there any way to privately message me? I have something lined up you might be interested in.

Hi Emilie290391,

This site is not allowing me to private message you. There is a disclaimer on the private message tab saying it was disable because I haven't written 15 topics..... Can you private message me and I will respond?


Wagonwheel16, add "" to my username and email me. We aren't supposed to look for room mates in this site.

I hope today is the day !

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