UMSON BSN Fall 2018 Applicants


Hello applicants! With the deadline approaching February 1st, I figured this would be a good opportunity to connect with other hopefuls. The info you post can also help future students gauge what stats get accepted.

Please state your cumulative GPA, science GPA, and TEAS score** (It would be helpful to break down your TEAS score by total, science, math, and reading). Also, let us know what campus you applied for. Feel free to share a little bit of your background.

**I did talk to admissions about the TEAS and how they factor it in. They said that they record the overall score and the individual scores for science, reading, and math. They DO NOT record the English portion at all.

Best of luck to you all!


GPA~ Cumulative: 3.8, Sciences: 4.0

TEAS~ Overall: 88%, Reading: 89%, Math: 97%, Science: 85%

Campus~ Baltimore

Background: Worked as a Physical Therapist Aide a long time ago. Have been a waitress in more recent years. Currently, I am a stay at home mom of two baby boys. I did apply for the Spring, but was considered out-of-state, so I cancelled my application. Now I am considered in-state, thank goodness.


GPA: cumulative - 3.12, sciences - 4.0

TEAS: overall - 95.3%, math - 100%, science - 93.6%, reading - 97.9%

Campus: Baltimore

Background: have a BS in psychology, but have been working in communications at a large chirch the last few years.

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