World General World
Published Aug 4
Monika M.
4 Posts
Hi all
I have a bit of a complex situation and wondering If anyone can advise .
I have an EU passport , but qualified as RN in the UK . Currently working in Canada since 2019 so I'm licensed by both NMC and Ontario college of nurses . Speak fluent English and French .
with a view of moving to France, I'm wondering if UK degrees are fully comparable and recognised since Brexit ( mine was obtained in 2017 so before Brexit ) . I have an automatic right to work and live in France as EU citizen but I'm way too old to be going through another degree 😅 so ideally hoping my UK one is recognised .
and how do I go about it ? Do they register in a region you want to live in ( which I'm not sure of yet ) or is it valid for a whole country ? I'm happy to practice in French or pass language tests etc but firstly if anyone has direct links to where to apply for degree equivalence it would be great . Thank you
659 Posts
Beware, the system is changing. You used to need a numéro ADELI issued by the DDASS in the département where you intended to work, however this is now, or will very soon be obsolete.
The people to contact are the ONI (Ordre National des Infirmiers)
They now register and regulate all nurses in France. They are the people who will be able to tell you if you can practise as an IDE (Infirmier Diplômé d'Etat) in France.
I came here with a UK qualification no problem, but beware that was in 2001! My training was 1980s EU standardised: I.e. a general adult training but including modules in psych, obstetrics, community and paeds. In the noughties French nurses got the recognition of being "bacheliers" I.e. degree nurses. If you understand the French system the recognition is now BAC +3 whereas in the old days despite a 3 and a half year training, nurses were only considered BAC +2 because of the lack of a degree.
If your qualification is degree level and you meet the French requirements for the required hours of study and clinical placements, you are probably in with a chance but really, only the ONI can confirm this for you. They should be your first port of call.
You say you have an EU passport so I can't see Brexit being an issue if you hold dual nationality with another EU country. EU citizens have the right to take up work here. You just need to apply for a Carte de Séjour at the local préfécture where you end up living, which they'll give you if you're an EU national. I became a French citizen long ago. For British nationals who don't have dual nationality with another EU nation, Brexit has pretty much scuppered all their chances of coming here to live and work.
Contact the ONI. Bonne chance!!
Thank you , that's very informative . My degree was from 2017 so it only states » BSc adult nursing » however the transcript shows some hours in maternity , paeds and mental health because for my registration in Canada that was a requirement, and it passed. I also passed the North American NCLEX exam which included all the above so I am considered RGN here in Canada now . I hope this would also be an asset. I have so far made steps to translate my degree by official French gov approved translators and will contact ONI soon . Thanks again
Yes, that's very important that any document is translated by a translator with that official stamp to say French govenrment approved! If you can get through French bureaucracy you can get through anything a French hospital throws at you!!