UK Agency Nursing

World International


Anyone here do it? Is it feasible to work it full-time, ie. can you get enough work? (I'm an RMN but would be interested in hearing the experiences of other branches as well.)

Pros and cons? Looking at the rates some agencies pay, I'd guess the money is the biggest draw, but the freedom to choose your own hours; the (hopefully) lack of office politics which seems so prevalent in full-time work; the chance to nurse rather than all the secondary stuff we're expected to do (Audit/H&S/infection control repping etc).

Cons: I'd guess you're often thrown in at the deep end; face discrimination from regular staff; last minute calls to go and work miles away etc etc; chances of not geting work if doing it full time; pensions, sick pay etc.

Still I'm interested in finding out more - good agencies and bad, are there any UK forums discussing agency work and so on?

Any info much appreciated

Specializes in mental health; hangover remedies.

I used to hate (mostly in a jealous sort of way) agency nurses... until I did it for myself for just over a year.

I still hate the lazy ones. I'm RMN but working in Australia now.

In my year or so in UK agencies I listed with 3 agencies - only one was consistent and I ended up with 3 regular places I'd work thru them (all prisons and doing the general health care so it gave me chance to perk up some other skills like running a clinic or how to give out 90 inmates medications in 90 minutes).

I'd do it again without a doubt. Only losses for me were long term issues. If you want a couple years break then go for it. It doesn't look bad on the CV either because of the wider experiences.

And you're right about not getting involved in all the secondary crap - tho there's still some things they get you into you'd rather not - but nothing major IME.

Hi Mr Ian

I am wondering to work in Uk, I am already registered in the NMC with my RN1 grade, do you have the naes of these 3 agencies in UK?

Thanks for your help


Specializes in mental health; hangover remedies.

Yes I do Pili - but they were all local agencies in my area.

I'd recommend you do some local research - register with a couple of agencies to find out the local business and talk to other nurses who work agencies.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Check out the yellow pages for nursing agencies or even

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