Nursing Students School Programs


Hello future nurses! Has anyone here applied for UIC's entry-level master's program for fall 2020? I applied but have not heard anything about interviews yet. I know they're supposed to be in late Feb. Also, anyone who has been accepted to DePaul but waiting for UIC? The waiting is killing me!

Thanks, y'all!

@Seri Lee just a heads up. @TrueChemist would like to join the facebook group ! ❤

@trhchicago Is your application status still the same? Mine changed to "Additional Review Required" today so I don't know what to expect.

@MissBliss yes, it still says additional review required. I emailed the graduate admissions office asking what it meant and they said the program has communicated information to the admissions department that required additional review and an update would be available soon. That was two weeks ago...

@RoRoMaMa @TrueChemist Did either of you guys receive an official acceptance email yet?

@trhchicago yeah a few hours after the status update.

@trhchicago yes, after some hours like @RoRoMaMa said.

My status still hasn't changed but I got an acceptance letter emailed! Yay!

@trhchicago yay! Congratulations.

Does anyone know what happens if you do not have all the required pre-reqs?

@nursinghopeful777 if they were not completed by the end of Spring 2020 semester then you'd have to apply for fall 2021 start

Even if they placed me on the waitlist? Do you know if they offer any exceptions, for example I complete the required pre-req courses over the Summer or they substitute other courses for them?

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