UHCNO Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello my fellow nursing students

Gosh it feels good to read that right?!?!? We're officially nursing students guys. In my mind we've gotten past the easy part and there's a life's journey ahead of us. I created this thread for us so that we'll be able to discuss instruction packets, homework help, offer an encouraging word (because I'm sure well need it at some point), and whatever else our hearts desire. It should be used as a "meeting place" so to speak. So lets introduce ourselves!

I didn't. You gotta give the mailman some time!!

Maybe it's backed up from momorial day. The mailman gets no time lol. I feel like I've been waiting forever

I got my packet today! Woo-hoo!

What do we have to do?

lol I have no chill with this packet

Get vaccinated/copy of vaccinations, fingerprints, buy an iPad mini, fill out a health form...lol at having no chill about this packet. You will get it soon enough!

Lol!! I have no chill either. I'm so eager for paperwork! I've waited so long for this í ½í¸‚

I got my packet y'all! It was delivered by my neighbor because the mail man put it in the wrong box...thank goodness he delivered it to me

yup i got mine too, but it look like it was lost in the wind all beat up and it looked like somebody tried to open it too

lol that's a shame. Thank goodness we got them

Mine looked like that too--beat-up, water stained and it looked like someone opened it from the bottom! I guess it's the result of all that rain we got last week.

I haven't relieved my packet yet. I swear I am acting like this packet is a secret mission and I am James Bond or somebody. This is so sad. lol

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