UGH....About that CNA test.....

Nursing Students CNA/MA


About the CNA exam....I was wondering if anyone could answer a few of my questions to help me shake my pre-exam jitters.

1.) Is it true the people who issue the exam are pretty mean :madface: ? I've heard this from enough people to make me a little nervous!

2.) When asked to do, oh I don't know, let's say a bed bath, do you really give a bed bath?? With water and all? And who do I give the bath to?? (oh by the way, you know how you are to test the bath water temp before giving bath, well do they have a thermomater or do I test it by dipping my gloved finger in or what??!)

3.) I will need to perform 5 (yep count 'em!) 5 skills correctly. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to share what skills they had to perform, or any other personal experiences with the exam.

Well thats all for now ( I know its alot!!) but I might be back with more Q's!! Thank everyone so much for taking the time to help! I really appreciate you helping me acheive my goal!!


1) They weren't mean. They were professional and businesslike. I've never heard anyone say they were mean. And they do not try to trick you.

2) I didn't have to give 'real' bedbaths. Kept our clothes on and went over (without touching) the person. Did arms and legs only. I think they just want you to know the steps.

3) It's been awhile, but I do remember getting lucky: I drew backrub, ROM, and brushing dentures.

We were told we could make a mistake, the state woman would try to guide us back, and as long as we remembered we were ok. It wasn't like your HS principal grilling you because you couldn't remember who the president is of France.

Good luck!

1.) I did have one that was mean. The entire time she was looking at me like i was doing something wrong. When i started going into a panic attack, her response was "whenever you are ready". BUT.. this is not the usual case. In fact when the administrator where i worrk heard what had happened, she was livid.

2.) things like bed bath remember uncover the only parts that need uncovered. the "client" with be wearing a gown over their clothes and you only only expose their you can move up their clothes underneath the gown.

3.) washing hands, measuring weight, making an occupied bed, ted hose and catheter care.

good luck!

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