UCSF Per Diem Commute From SoCal...

U.S.A. California


SoCal nurse over here contemplating getting a per diem in the Bay Area. Yup, I'll totally commute depending on a few factors. I'm in need of some info on UCSF. Does anyone have a connection there? I'm trying to figure out what the minimum time requirement is for per diem and if it's reasonable to work all hours over several days (i.e. working two 16s back to back each month or three 12s and nothing more)? What's the deal up that way? Are they cool with OT?

I did PD there but years ago

at that time the minimum was 4 12’s a month and I think you still had a weekend requirement too.

Specializes in ICU.

are you planning on moving to NorCal? I would rather just do per diem at UCLA if its about pay only. They pay per diem well and would be a lot easier on you overall.

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