UBC Nursing 2010-2011

World Canada



Has anyone applied for UBC Nursing for the 2010 school year? How are you finding your application process?



Just in case this is helpful, here's the link to the requirements for UBC Vancouver.


There's a detailed explanation about what credits and classes you need before applying.

Is it time to re-start this thread yet?

We are nearing the end of March. Should we not be hearing of invitations to interviews soon? I am starting to get anxious of waiting and wondered if any one knew of the exact dates that we will be contacted. I think that the applicants were notified last year in the first week of April.

Does anyone have any specific information on the interview process? I found the following website that has some general information but has anybody gone through the process?


(I am still finishing my prereqs. It would help me to slog through the chapters on "The Muscular System" if I knew I had an interview. )

Hope you are still out there.

Specializes in Er/Cardiac.


Speaking from experience, i got accepted to UBC-Okanagan by July 28 when applied 4 years ago. I know the UBC and UBCO are two different program but we had to applied through UBC Vancouver as well. The reason they accepted me that late was because they lost my transcripts and other stuff. So i think it's a bit early to get worry but make sure you contact them if it'll get too late.

Great. Thanks for the info. I will wait patiently.

Akardan, Do you mean that you did not get a notification for an interview until the 28th July or that you did not get final acceptance until then?

Oh my! They lost your transcripts! I can imagine that this caused you much anxiety. I am glad for you that it all worked out in the end.

Have you completed your program now? Were you able to find a job?

Specializes in Er/Cardiac.

No I'm talking about final acceptance. At the time we didn't have interview for getting into UBCO but I don't know how that works now.

I'm doing my final practicum now in a cardiac unit which is about 200 hours and left with a final exam and paper. And yes, I've got a casual position in emergency department. I've been working there since last Sept. though.

Wow. I am so glad to hear that you have done well in terms of employment. Job availability is something that seems to fluctuate in terms of graduation year and province (or state). Good luck on your final few weeks of school.

hi esurio,

I also am eager to hear from UBC about the interview! I am also finishing my prerequisites like you. I tried to find someone who could tell me about the MMI but I believe they signed disclosure statements banning them from disscussing it. I will write a post here if I get any news about the interview.

I am very excited at the thought of being accepted at the UBC school of nursing.....I know it is a very competitive program to get in, so I hope my marks and supplemental were good enough.

Last year, students who didn't make it to the interview round were notified on 4/2, and they received their summary/grade distribution report on 4/3.

Hi Green Tea,

Last time I check, UBC school of Nursing website mentioned that the interview this year will be held from April 26-30....I think they had to change the dates from previous years due to the Olympics. how many advance days/weeks did they give the selected candidates notice from the interview date?

Also, you mentioned, grade/summary report. What is that? Is that the marks they give your supplemental?

Thanks for your feedback.

Yea, the summary report tells you your average, supplemental mark, average of those accepted to the interview, and the average supplemental mark for those accepted to the interview. I think only those who didn't get into the interview receives this feedback.

I think this year's interview dates are pretty similar as last year's; between 26-30 ish. If I remember correctly, when I checked the site really really early, the orginal interview dates set for this yr were some time in March. But because of the olympics, it was pushed back to the same as last year ie April.

Hi there!

I am currently a grade 12 student and I am interested in going to UBC-O nursing program. I heard that the average is about above 80%. What do they mean by that? Is it the overall grade that I have right now (including electives like Media Arts) or just the subjects that they are looking at (Biology 12, English 12, etc)?



anyone as anxious as me waiting for a reply from UBC School of Nursing? I can't concentrate on my last few chapters of Human Anatomy and Physiology course! Hopefully they let us know in the next few days..so exciting and scary at the same time playing this waiting game.

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