U.S. R.N. Applying to A.H.P.R.A. and D.I.B.P.


Specializes in Neuro ICU/Float Pool ICU/PACU.

I am a Registered Nurse here in the U.S.A. with an A.D.N. and a B.S. in Microbiology. I am looking to relocate to Brisbane, AU in the near future. At the moment, my application is in "Phase 2", as A.H.P.R.A. calls it. This is the phase they indicated where they will be assessing my qualifications as an R.N., and whether or not it is equivalent to an Australian B.S.N. I was told my a representative from A.H.P.R.A to expect at least another month before I know of any decision. Has anyone applied to A.H.P.R.A. with an A.D.N. and a B.S. in a science field, as in my particular case? If so, what was the outcome?

If and when I gain registration with A.H.P.R.A., will they give me a number of some sorts so that I can use it to apply for jobs in Australia, and to use it to submit an E.O.I. through the Australian D.I.B.P.?

What is the likelihood of gaining an invitation to apply for an Australian visa after submitting an E.O.I.? What is the likelihood of gaining visa sponsorship from an Australian employer? Are there any employers that you know of who offer sponsorships once I gain registration with A.H.P.R.A.?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum

I can't answer your question but there are a few threads here discussing registration although a few are from the Philippines.

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