Published Oct 16, 2005
dfk, RN, CRNA
501 Posts
hey all.. can anyone offer some words as to what to make of this:
i received a letter from u of ne stating congratulations as my application has been favorably reviewed and will be forwarded to staff for review.. i suppose if they like it enough, an interview might be offered.. has anyone else received/heard of this before? any thoughts appreciated..
thanks in advance - -:stone
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
I got one of those last year. I think it means that your application is complete and you meet basic admissions criteria (experience, bachelor's degree etc.) Next comes an interview if you are lucky. I did get in and found it quite a supportive place but didn't go for various logistical reasons.
hey apais.. if you don't mind, could you say what the logistical reasons were? from what i can tell the area, campus, people seem nice, program decent (us news' science based reviews i think).. haven't physically been though - - any thoughts?
118 Posts
What was the interview like at UNE?
I wanted to go somewhere warmer. Also the way their rotations are structured, I would almost certainly be away from my husband for an extended period. I think it's 10 months.This is hard enough without being separated from my support system.
The interview was pretty smooth. The director and the clinical coordinator, both female CRNAs, and a physiology prof who is very involved with the program. No clinical questions. Questions I remember: "Tell me about your unit" "What do you like to do?" "How would you handle it if you disagreed with an MD on a patient's care?"
makes sense what you said.. probably easier without any ties/family.. thanks for the info apais..