Two Job Offers

Nurses General Nursing


I am in a horrible job that I am desperate to leave. I have been looking for a job with no luck for about six months. Suddenly I started getting calls for interviews.

I was offered two jobs.

One is to be case manager for a company that treats addiction with vitamins. I would be the only case manager, have no case management experience and have no idea how I would train for this job. The director said they will teach me as we go, but it still makes me uncomfortable that I don’t really have a preceptor or a mentor to go to as a resource . Plus, I don’t advocate this kind of care. I feel like they will be taking people’s money and not giving them treatment in return. Something feels very wrong about this. It feels unethical . The pay is better and I would have my own office .

The second job is working for a private company doing research They wanted me to be a site manager I was honest and said I don’t believe I have the skills for that position, but I would be very happy to work as a research coordinator. They met me in the middle and said they would bring me in as a senior coordinator and eventually team leader As I learn and grow they would then groom me to be a site manager . I said that I am thrilled to have an opportunity to be given the guidance I need to be a manager. We were all happy that between us all we came up with a solution that works for both me and them. The pay is not as much as the other job, but I don’t mind taking a pay cut to take a job I would enjoy. The work space is crowded and noisy, but people stick to their work. They don’t create distractions by goofing off. It’s noisy because it’s busy.

Meanwhile my partner said I would be crazy to take the research position and that I should go for the case management position. She said that I would have a better chance of being able to change jobs with case management experience versus research experience. I said that developing management skills is more to the point of why I want the research job. Also I know this is what I want to do

I know in my gut that that’s the right choice. I love research and I don’t want to do anything else. I’ve done it before and loved it, but gave it up because the commute was too much. Getting a research job closer to home is a dream come true.

We are both wondering if I’m not thinking about this clearly because I desperately want to quit my job. Is my desperation making it difficult to focus on what’s best? I don’t think so. I’m very clear about what I want to do, but my partner thinks I’m just desperate.

Care to weigh in?

I would suggest you do neither one until you can find another option. NEVER perform care at a job that you personally do not agree with, your patients and your work ethic will suffer. Example; an RN that thinks drug-users are the scum-of-the-earth would be a terrible fit at a drug rehab facility. In that example the RN would be too busy disliking the patient population and their work performance would suffer to the disservice of that patient population.

Look for something else if you can stomach it. If you cannot stand a day longer than the choice is an obvious one; the research position. At minimum if you dislike it, it would still probably be less of an ordeal than your current 'wonderful' position so you would be able to begin the search anew but not have to suffer as much.

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