Tutoring for Boards


It seems like sitting for the Nursing Boards is bringing terror to people's hearts. I recently starting helping a few who have failed, and need to sit again. I was sent by each the areas where they showed weakness when they did not pass. I saw a pattern forming.

I started writing emails of things I feel should be covered and addressed. I am not writing questions, I am bringing up topics and giving answers and rational that comes up in Real Life.

It dawned upon me, I can copy these emails and FWD to anyone who writes to me, why not share. I will give an example of the first one I sent, if anyone wants to be included on the Email list, can contact me at [email protected]


Normal Ph is 7.35 to 7.45

Normal sodium is 135

Normal K+ is 3.5 to 4.5

there are many more.

Here are the situations, study up on what happens if each lab value I have mentioned here is high or low. This is how you will identify early disease.

HyperNatrimia, Hyponatrimia, HyperKalemia, HypoKalemia, High Ph, low Ph, and their corrections.

Next timeHyper and hypo calcemia

Also Blood glucose, we will cover next time> next time


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