Published Dec 20, 2015
1 Post
Pt. had large squamicell carcinoma on his cheek, which was removed with mohs surgery. (lemon sized area) The surgeon did major skin flap and plastic surgery to fill in the large area. It worked, but a medium tunnel wound (approx. 1 1/2 inch) has formed where blood vessels were cut. Pt. has been in wound care for 2 months with Barriatric treatments daily.
tunnel is just starting to close in the center.Pt. eye is very swollen as some bone was shaved that had attached cancer cells.The swelling has not gone down after months. Is this fluid and can it be drained. As for the tunnel which has white flesh with bad blood flow, Is this something that can just be cut out instead of the continued expensive Ibot treatments. It doesn't look good anyway and pt. is wondering if it will ever heal.
kiszi, RN
1 Article; 604 Posts
This case sounds far too complex for advice on a message board. Have these questions been addressed with the patient's doctors and wound clinic?