Trying To Pick A School: Columbia Through MJC


Specializes in Medical- Surgical.

I Am A Senior In High School Anticipating Graduation, I Want To Attend Columbia College Next Fall And Proceed To Enroll In MJC's Nursing Program While Still At Columbia.

I Am Skeptical Of This Decision, Due To The Lack Of Information Columbia's Website Gives.

Does Anyone Have Any Details On How I Would Go About Finding Out Information, Or Have You Done This, Advice?

Thanks. :)

Columbia's website doesn't have any information about the program because they have nothing to do with it. MJC at times uses some of Columbia's classrooms, but most are held in the old Sonora hospital. I have heard both good and bad about MJC's program in Columbia. I have taken classes both at MJC and Columbia and had to make a decision on which site to attend. With the help of one of the MJC secretaries, I decided to attend in Modesto. Columbia's classes are done by satellite which doesn't always work. There are times when the students miss the lecture and have to watch it at a later time. Not having any time to waste, I chose Modesto. I hope this helps! BTW, if you want to find more information about the program at Columbia, go to, click on current students, then degrees and programs, academic divisions, allied health/family & consumer sciences, associate degree nursing, TEAS testing information, and finally associate degree nursing program admissions CC. Again, I hope this helps! Good luck!

I just got accepted to the columbia campus program. Do you know anyone that whent there?

Congrats! I don't know anyone who went there. Let me know how you end up liking it. I moved to Colorado and got right in to an accreted BSN program. Nursing school is so much fun! Good luck to you.

Congrats! I don't know anyone who went there. Let me know how you end up liking it. I moved to Colorado and got right in to an accreted BSN program. Nursing school is so much fun! Good luck to you.

Congrats in getting into a BSN program. Is your program accelerated? How long is it?

Oops! I meant to say that the program is accelerated instead of accredited. The program is 21 months and goes by quarters rather than semesters. Right now I am carrying an 18 unit load which is exhausting when you have two kids and a husband, but I only have 16 months left! I hope you love Columbia. I loved doing all my prerequisites there!

Oops! I meant to say that the program is accelerated instead of accredited. The program is 21 months and goes by quarters rather than semesters. Right now I am carrying an 18 unit load which is exhausting when you have two kids and a husband, but I only have 16 months left! I hope you love Columbia. I loved doing all my prerequisites there!

How is the acceptance rate? Which school in colorado?

It completely depends on the school. Some schools, mainly the community colleges, have a five year waitlist. The school I go to is private and I got right in. In fact, they offered me a spot in an earlier cohort. The universities go by merit and it's highly competitive. If you don't have a 4.0, good luck. To get your ADN, the price tag is around $12,000 if you have been a CO resident for one year. The universities cost anywhere from $50,000 to 90,000+. My school is private, so the cost for me was $48,000. Also, CO nursing programs require more prerequisites than CA schools - like pathphysiology and a specific psych class.

Oh, and the school I go to is Denver School of Nursing.

THANKS jjhc2006 ill look into it. I'm open to different options.

Specializes in PCT/LVN.

how was it like going to that campus? Also, did you commute from modesto? if so how was the drive?

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