Trying To Get Started


Hello All. SO glad I found the site. I guess I just need to hear from anyone else in my situation to compare plans. :twocents: I am finally making the leap and starting pre-req's March 30 for the new ADN program at Chattahoochee Technical College in Atlanta, GA. I am terrified and thrilled and worried that my funding for school will run out before I even get close to graduating! I have a small severance package from being laid-off and will file for unemployment that will last for 26 weeks. Not sure what financial aid is possible (made too much last 2 years in the corporate world) but I filled out a FAFSA anyway. GA has the Hope Grant, but I've heard it will not pay for the ADN. So....

Here is my question...I already have several core classes from a previous life: (Eng 191-Composition & Rhetoric; Eng 193-Literature & Composition; Sociology-191 Introduction to Sociology; Psychology-191 Introduction to Psychology; Speech 191-Fundamentals of Speech; and SCT 100 Introduction to Computers).

The classes that remain for Pre-Req's are: 191 College Algebra; Bio 193 Anatomy & Physiology I ; Bio 194 Anatomy & Physiology II; Bio 197 Medical Microbiology and PSY 291 Developmental Lifespan Psychology.

Is it realistic for me to take two classes in the spring quarter; one class in the summer quarter, and my last pre-req in the fall quarter; or should I spread it out and take one class per quarter? I am trying to have everything done for the next application deadline of January 25, 2010.

Help! I am so overwhelmed....if I do 2/1/2, then at least I could get a full-time job until the program starts later in 2010....but if I spread the classes out, I know my G.P.A will be awesome...Any advice would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

It is possible. I took Calculus and A&P 1 at the same time, and I am lousy at math. Then I took Developmental lifespan with A&P 2. I had heard that Micro was a killer at my school so I took it without another class. I managed to do it and still retain high grades. I spent a lot of time studying but I am glad I got them out of the way as soon as I could.

If you can stay focus and studying a lot then I would do the 2/1/2 but I would recommend taking Micro by itself that one will require probably the most studying, well at least for me it was. A&P weren’t super easy but I manage to take it while taking Chemistry and passed. I think you can do, just stay focus and if you can get it done in time then do it. Good Luck!!!

Also, some times colleges will work with you if your source of income has changed, I know my college did, I made too much to qualify for Financial Aid but when I showed proof of cutting back my hours at work to less than 25 hrs, I got a grant and it paid for my courses, so don’t give up on that.

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