I am a B.Sc.N. graduate that has not practiced for over 5 years due to having 3 young children. Now I am in the process of trying to reinstate my RN license under the CNO - College of Nurses of Ontario. The CNO requires 8 theory based courses and 200 hours clinical and 200 hours consolidation. The CNO has not been very helpful in this process.
I was able to find a college that offers some of the courses by correspondence - St. Lawrence College. Unfortunately they do not offer the clinical/consolidation component due to the fact that I do not have an current RN license. Mohawk College was another option, but they do not offer correspondence/on line courses, only in class. I live just outside the GTA (greater Toronto area) and the Mohawk program is in the Hamilton/Halton area which is too far of a distance to be practical for me. Mohawk college will offer the clinical component if they are satisfied with the courses that I take at St. Lawrence college, but unfortunately they only offer the clinical in the spring of next year!
Unfortunately, the 2 colleges I have found do not offer all the courses that are required by the CNO. Neither college offers the Gerontology and the Cultural context/transcultural nursing? courses needed to fulfull the CNO's required theory elements to get my RN license reinstated. I have found Gerontology and Cultural context/transcultural nursing courses but they are only offered to nurses who have a current RN license!
I really want to start practicing as a RN soon but the process of trying to get there has been very frustrating.
Has anyone experienced this or are also going through this same process? Does anyone know of any other colleges in Ontario that offer the RN refresher course that the CNO requires?
Please help!