Published Nov 21, 2003
2 Posts
Im a practice nurse and am doing a minor illness course.Part of the course involves writing protocols for specific illnesses.
Im not to sure about how to go about it and exactly what is expected.....neither has half the rest of the group!!
Has anyone written any or have any advice to offer?
I really would appreciate it:)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,418 Posts
The only thing I can think of is we have protocols where I work.
For instance "Care of the Diabetic Patient", which specifically tells us when to call the doctor, what to give for low blood sugars (juice, protein, etc.), and what teaching to do.
We also have one for Seizures, Diarhea, Incontinence, care of the post-cardiac cath patients, etc. Not to many for specific diseases though.
Perhaps you can go to the hospital where you do clinicals and ask if they have any protocols and ask to see them.