Published Sep 30, 2009
10 Posts
I want to register for the Spring of 2010 if I can or anytime after December for the nursing program. I graduated from high school in 08 so I was wondering would I have to take pre-req or would some of those math and science college prep courses from high school be enough. If i did have to take pre-req would I be able to start the nursing program that same year? I also took a cna course. Would that be helpful? Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
bump bummp
69 Posts
You'll mostly likely have to take pre-reqs for about two years. I am doing that now. It's not as easy as you think. You will have to get some of the hardest subjects (anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and chemistry) out of the way before you can even think of applying. I will be applying to Truman though because I lived at the end of Chicago. Triton would be like 10 mins away but I'll have to go to down town. Good luck. E-mail me if you have any other questions.
Thanks for replying. Would i have to take Algebra,Bio, & Chem plus the courses you mentioned my first year?
You will have to take a math course. I took Statistics. Sometimes, they say they accept your math credit from high school, but I wouldn't really count on that. Remember, you always want to go above the bare minimum requirement. Plus, I am sure you want to continue your education in the future and what better way than to get it over with in the beginning so you don't have to worry later. These are the classes I have to take for Truman:
1. Math (any math course above 100. Above 100 means it's college level)
2. Chemistry (the basic one. So, again, above 100)
3. Biology (the basic one)
(The other classes that you can take once you're in the program or that you can take BEFORE you apply to the program:
4. Anatomy and Physiology I
5. Anatomy and Physiology II
6. Microbiology
7. English 101
So, in order for me to JUST apply, I would have to have classes 1-3 above done. The TRUTH is, most people will have already taken classes 4-7 also. These are the things they don't really tell you. You would think that you only need 3 classes to apply, but most people that get in have also taken the other classes. My advice to you is don't rush. Take one year or more if you need to to complete all the courses and then apply. I'm am not say that no one has even gotten in by just completing the pre-reqs, but think about just what would happen to you. You would be in nursing school and doing clinicals (i know Truman starts clinicals in the third week of nursing school) and you would have to be completing classes 4-7. You really don't want to be doing this.
Please ask any other question. I like helping people because I was in the same spot as you last year and some good people helped me understand this better too.
1 Post
Hello! I would like to ask for your help I am planning to get into Triton College 2010 Nursing Program however, my pre-requisites have already expired. I will be re-taking Biology, Chemistry, English 101, and Psychology next semester (Spring semester). I am going to take the asset test on January. Is there any chance I can get into the program by June 2010? I have also taken a lot of pre-requisites, just finished my microbiology. Thanks for your help in advance.
12 Posts
Triton has only one registration period - January, I believe. From that pool of candidates they select the fall (of the same year) and spring (of the following year) students. In addition, you have to have all of your prerequisites completed. I'm starting my prereqs this summer, in the hopes of completing them this summer, and the earliest I could be accepted at Triton is Fall 2011, because the next registration will be Jan 2011. Disappointing, but a LOT of the community colleges either have just one start semester or one registration date.
59 Posts
If I were you, Id stay away from Triton. They always brag about their program and pass rate, but that is not due to them being a good program, it is due to students who work hard and fight tooth and nail to remain . The faculty do not lecture well, and you are expected to learn it all on your own, like a distance learning class. they treat people like 12 year olds and even students in their forties get treated like kids whove never had jobs before. Some instructors there are good but many of them are just reading off the textbook and cannot answer questions. Also, be careful of the Psyche instructor during clinical, she will pick on students and try hard to fail you for the dumbest things. Plus, Tritons tuition is now $300 an hour, thats crazy for a community college.