Tripler AMC


Anyone have experience working at TAMC? Im from Hawaii, but Im attending a BSN program here in the mainland. I just trying to figure out if its worth looking into. Im interested in their ICU, but any comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

I worked at TAMC in Peds for four years while my hubby was stationed at Schofield and absoulutely LOVED it. Being that TAMC is a teaching hospital you'll find most all specialities there and what a learning experience. Go for it!!


Hi Im currently a nursing student and Im doing a paper about hospital benefits, I need actuall sources, interviews with present or previous employees of Tripler/Kaiser and Queens on Oahu I need info about the morale and work atmosphere prefferably good news Im doing reviews about what hawaii hospitals have to offer in terms of work environment, If anyone can help please leave me an email, Im willing to give out my number to do an interview if possible, pm me. thanks, Misty

(imagine Schwarzenegger's voice and accent): "I have detailed files..."

about Tripler, Kaiser Permanente, St. Francis L. and West, Queens and almost all of the other hospitals on the Island of Ohau. I lived and worked there for 5 yrs. and was treated in some of the hospital, so I had the rather rare oportunity to see it from both ends...

Blatantly: as a new nurse/physician etc. Tripler (TARMC) is probably a nice playground, especially since active duty personel and their 'dependants' can't technically sue you, so your might be not so much of a necessity than an option. I give you a clue: we used to call it "crippler" during very tired and sarcastic nights and though there are some really really good nurses, practitioners, and physicians there, some can be a real menance :o (I know personally of at least three cases that are in my opinion bordering on neglect, abuse, and malpractice respectively, but you can check it for yourself here - a study of military hospitals

In my opinion Kaiser Permanente's ICU is one of the most exceptional ones I've seen. Catholic St. Francis West and Pali Momi (which is the Aiea branch of Kapiolani's) is also a very good place in regard to working conditions etc. The nurses here are EXCELLENT especially in re: teaching. Queen's is state of the art!!! Once you work there, everything else seems so 20th century... Good luck!

I only spent 4 months there in the Army's OB/GYN Nurse Course but really learned a lot there and enjoyed my clinical time there. Had some excellent nurses and doctors to work with.

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