Pushing an assignment

Specialties Travel


Hey everyone. I travel with 2 other nurses and its that time again to find our next adventure. We are currently working with our 3rd agency, and for the 5th time around, Greenville SC is being pushed at us. I say pushed at us because they all seem to heavily encourage this one, even though the pay package for us is not that spectacular. Is it because the money that the agency makes is worth the push? Has anyone ever worked here, and would you recommend it? Just wondering if this is one we should look at and consider a little more.

I worked there, enjoyed it. Quite a long time ago though. Not so far from Asheville.

It is possible that some assignments net agencies better, but does it matter? Pick assignments based on your own criteria. But here are a couple of likely possibilities. One is that it can be really hard to find three travelers assignments at the same time in the same location. Under regular conditions, sometimes even a client needs takes priority for a number of reasons. Sometimes they want to land a facility contract (it would be only fair to tell you that though as there can be delays), other times they may just be keeping a good client happy with good or hard to find travelers. From what little I can glean from your post, the first reason is pretty solid.

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