Travel nurse - Can my wages be garnished because I couldn't find housing?


Specializes in Medical Legal Consultant.

Hi, Lorie

I have a question. I had to cancel my travel nurse assignment due to myself not being able to find housing. I am also pregnant. Because I just started and only received one paycheck, I didn't have any money to stay in a hotel or anything of that sort. My company tried to help me find housing but it was just too expensive. So, my question is because I had no place to live and needed to cancel my contract, the facility charged my agency a penalty fee and now my agency is trying to keep my last worked paycheck. Can they garnish my wages? Is this legal?

Dear Travel Nurse

I would love to be able to answer your question, but without the contract, I cannot respond. Also, you may want to check with the Department of Labor to see if they can hold your last check. If you signed the contract and started, you may have an obligation, but you would need to review the contract or hire an attorney to assist you.

Wishing you the best.


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