Travel NP starting hourly rates


Hello all:

I just accepted my first travel assignment as an NP, it will be for 3-6 months in an ICU. I asked for $55/hr rate, which I received. 12hr shifts 7days on, 7 days off schedule. I have no experience doing locus tenen assignment so I'd like some feedback.

Is my rate too low? I feel like I could've asked for more since it is an ICU and finding NP with ICU experience is not that easy. My company will obviously pay for miles and lodging during my assignment.

Any thoughts? I'd really appreciate it!


A recruiter acquaintance of mine told me last year that they bill out $100 an hour for a locum NPs. I somehow got the feeling that he was lying and that its actually more than that. So if they are paying you $55 for locum work then they are getting away with murder. Next time, ask for more---a LOT more. And don't feel bad about it. These people are making a bag of money off you. If they had to hire a physician to do the job it would cost them a hell of a lot more.

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.

It's probably region specific but we had a locum NP while we were building up our NP staffing in the ICU and the rate was over $100 per hour. That's as an independent contractor so if you factor in taxes, it's probably around $90 per hour. They pay for flight and hotel. I prefer to discuss the company name outside of this public forum.

Specializes in Mental Health.

I'm about to do locums soon as PMHNP. I spoke to some who did it previously and was told 95-110 without housing, 90-100 with. Depends on the geographical area though but certainly anything less than 80 (with housing) I would not take anywhere. But of course this is specific to psych. Certainly $55 for any NP is ridiculous. That's an RN wage. Locums agencies always low ball you. You need to negotiate.

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