Published May 6, 2008
3 Posts
I am a NICU RN with 2 years of expierence and LOVE cardiac. I am seriously thinking about transitioning into our cath lab. I am just wondering if I am in over my head or not. I love to study and learn new things. At lot of our babies are intubated on lots of drips (dopamine, dobutamine, epi, insulin, fentanyl, versed), they have lines (PICCS, PALS, UAC/UVC), have chest tubes and can be VERY sick. I have been involved in codes. It really seems that the care given to our babies is similar to adult intensive care. I have learned the importance of a good assesment, as our babies cannot speak for them selves. I am currently woorking nightshift and am looking for a daytime job. There is an opening in our cath lab and I have applied for it and have an interview scheduled.I love working with my babies and want to find somewhere where I can be challenged. In RN school, I went to the Cath Lab for a day and really enjoyed it, however I had already accepted a poistion in the NICU. Any advice?
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
It doesn't sound like you'll have a problem in cath lab with the experience you already have. I guess just brush up on your adult normals, and find out what they need you to know by when so you can start studying!
81 Posts
I had worked peds, PICU, NICU before transitioning to the cathlab. It is challenging changing from little ones to adults, but I LOVE it! You will be learning a lot very quickly (at least I did). Be sure of your orientation time, of how quickly they expect you to start taking call etc, and you will fly! I started out in the circulating position and that is the position that I prefer working, although I do enjoy monitoring and scrubbing.
Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide and how you are progressing.