Published Jan 3, 2004
1 Post
I am currently a student in Central CA who will be entering the RN program this upcoming semester. I switched my major from music performance to rn because I decided I didn't want to do something I love to do for a living. Besides, i've taken enough private lessons from people who are better than the teachers alot of universitys offer.
I am learning to speak german in hopes that after I graduate and get my RN liscense I might be able to move to Germany for a year or two to learn the language better/study guitar with a few people. Is it possible to transfer an RN liscense to Germany? Would I need to take the tests all over again? Both my parents are RN's but they don't know because obviously they've never done this before :) .
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
You might look into nursing at the military bases in Germany. Unless you speak fluent German and are REALLY understanding of the complete cultural differences - the military hospitals at either Landstuhl or one of the outlying hospitals might be worth a try. Believe me, there is a huge gap in RNs here stateside and RNs overseas. Also - if you plan to go there as a new grad - its going to be very difficult to come back to the states and be considered an experienced RN. Culturally - RNs in Europe do nothing without direction - self-direction and initiative are not what they prize. All I can say is good luck. I speak from experience of living overseas in Spain for 3 years and exchanging info with Spanish and German nurses. Good luck...