Transferring to a New position in the same company

Nurses General Nursing


I recently submitted a notification that I would be transferring positions within the Hospice company I work for. In an attempt to make sure that the transition was as seamless as possible I gave a 20-30 day notice as specifically requested in our company policies (two weeks required to be rehireable). I set the date for October 6th this year, notified my direct supervisor in person, and emailed my direct supervisor, and my director of nursing the notification as well. Within minutes of sending this I received a phone call from the director of nursing telling me that she is not able to let me go until they find a replacement, and told me that it is between her and the director of the department I am transferring to to decide which day I will be leaving. I will add that the director of the department I am moving to agreed to the October 6th date. Is she power tripping or is this reasonable for her to make this demand? I will add that it took 5mos to fill this position as on call hospice nurse in the past. Is she expecting to keep me for as long as it takes ( I know its ultimately up to me)? Isn't a month notice ample time? After that doesn't the responsibility fall on the director to find a replacement and not me?

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I have seen this numerous times and I am afraid they can delay your transfer

Just be patient and ask if they can give you a date that you can plan for, remember don't shut any door you just never know when you might wish it was still open-especially because it is the same company

The issue I have is that it was not a request. Also what would stop me from resigning with the policy notice, then getting rehired by the department of my choice? She is burning a bridge with me in my mind. Read my other post that describes the position that I cover if interested. They have grinded me into the ground. I cover 246 hours a month of call time with an extra 8 hours of meetings a month. This entails a 63 hour time block straight on the weekends. I hardly am able to sleep. I have done this for over 1 year and a half.

Agree with madwife, they can delay your transfer until they fill your vacancy. Suggest you spread the word of the vacancy to friends and aquaintances who are looking for work and if any are interested in the position, tell your manager about them.

@sulfam I didn't see your post about your working conditions until after I posted mine, obviously you cannot encourage a friend to apply for your current position. Does human resources know the hours you are required to work for this position? If so, how does this position meet labor laws?

Yes they do know the hours. I do not know how it complies with labor laws at all. I'm Scared to ask them though because word gets around. But yeah I am doing the 63 hour straight block of time right now, and I am required to be ready at all times to answer the phone, triage, take care of emergencies, and visit patients all day and night for all those hours.

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