TRANSFER PROGRAMS?? Sophomore and college doesn't offer nursing!


Hello everyone!

I am currently a sophomore, undeclared, in a 4yr college that doesn't offer nursing. I have most of the pre-reqs done, except A&P 1+2, and Microbio but I can take them over the summer. I would like to transfer in the fall and begin nursing courses in the fall. I cannot seem to find any programs that fit my criteria without having to spend an extra year or more in order to graduate. At this point I might as well be a freshman starting in the fall because that is the same timeline I have to finish the bsn degree. I have taken so many classes, fulfilled all math, science, lit, humanities, and art courses. I really don't want to have to basically restart college, I know it would be a lighter course load with all my credit transfers but nonetheless, I won't be able to work a lot with clinicals and such, and I'd probably have to fulfill some courses that don't transfer. Even if I graduate and do a post-bac, that may take longer and be more expensive as well. I feel completely hopeless, and have done a lot of research for schools in my area (NJ, PA, NY). I don't mind graduating a year late so much, but 2+, that's a lot of time and money. I know it depends on how bad you want it, but it also feels completely unreasonable.

Please does anyone know any transfer programs that start at junior standing, that accept transfers rather easily?? And fairly cheap because my family and I can honestly not afford much?? I know its asking a lot.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Taking all 3 of those classes over the summer might be more overwhelming than you think. I tried taking them all in one semester, and I literally almost killed myself. It was horrible, and I ended up having to retake them later. I would suggest taking the extra year and giving yourself time to research BSN possibilities in your area.

Have you looked at any of the state schools? That's usually your least expensive option, and their websites should offer a lot of good info about what's required for the programs and such. Few programs will allow you to even apply with those 3 courses outstanding (one, maybe, three, no).

Almost all of the schools I've looked at require applications for fall to be turned in early spring. You have to have those science classes completed by the application deadline because many colleges use those grades to determine your acceptance. Just take another semester or year to do it right if you have to.

I'm going to TWU in the fall. They have two deadlines, Feb 1 and Sept 1. They are very transfer friendly and you can transfer straight into upper division nursing. That's what I'm doing.

I suggest finishing the classes you need. Don't cram during the summer because 90% of the time you HAVE TO HAVE an A or maybe B in those classes. Take a CNA class and work as a CNA while you wait.

Specializes in ICU.

Another problem is would you have to take A&P I before II and micro. It's a preq at my school. So you may have to wait a year. Plus deadlines for this fall are fast approaching. Have you taken the Teas or Hesi yet? Most nursing programs will require that also. I would sit down and decide what school you really want to go to. What offers what you need financially and academically? What school has a good nursing program? Are they accredidated? Once you find a school you want, then talk to an advisor about transferring credits and classes you need to take. I know it seems like a lot but it's honestly what you need to do. If you just pick a school based on transferring credits you could run into huge problems down the road.

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