Published Jan 15, 2019
1nurse4job, ADN
52 Posts
Hi I am so glad this site is back. I do need help with several areas of nursing. I am reinstated in Texas and searching for a Long Term Facility (nursing home) for an Extensive Orientation in Dallas that will also work with TPAPN. I have a car and would like to interview. I do live in Oklahoma but I can easily move to Dallas. If anyone can help me with information on a Dallas Nursing Home I would greatly appreciate it.
Also would like any information on stipends if that is even possible with an employer.
I have enough saved for at least a month in the Extend stay and I know having as much money as possible is always best but how much is enough especially having an employer
I submitted my resume to a few places in Dallas Texas and I received my first call back. I included about tpapn on the resume and an extensive orientation.