Took NCLEX yesterday

Nurses General Nursing


I took the Nclex yesterday and have never felt so horrible in my life. Everyone I know has their test end at 75 questions and my kept going and going and going all the way to 265. I could barely get out of the test center. I'm driving my family crazy and wondering if I should persue a different career. Everyone says it doesnt matter, but has anyone ever taken the whole test and passed. The worst part is I'm already working as a GN and they all expect me to pass no problem. I wont find out till probably Tuesday and I have no idea how I'm going to make it till then.

Hello Marian,

Congradulations on your recent graduation!! Welcome to the profession. I just wanted to say that yes, two of my friends from nursing school answered all 265 questions and passed!! I have also heard that sometimes the computer will go the whole way because they are testing validity of questions for the next years NCLEX.

Try to relax and get in some r and r. I know that it is easier said then done, but it is the best advice I can give you. Please keep us posted and good luck with your new career!! ;)


I've also heard that the NCLEX tests possible future questions. And I've also heard of nurses who had to take all questions.

I'm sure you did fine. I just found out that I passes two days ago, so here's some advice...DO NOT go back and try to find answers in all those text we have. I stressed myself out doing that.

Yes I have to say that a few of my classmates passed after going all the way to 265. Also a classmate actually ran out of time and still passed....

I know you've heard it a lot but try to take it easy on yourself. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when it comes to boards & the truth is some people have to take it more than once. We don't know what to expect, along with the anxiety of starting a new job makes for a basket case!! Hang in there & keep us updated ;)

One of my instructors wrote ? for the boards. According to one of my classmates, some candidates are chosen, random, to take all 265 / to test for future ?

This could be a rumor!

If that sure it -sucks-;)

:p Thank you all for your replies and support. I really felt better after reading your messages. I found out I passed. I am so glad. The best advise I can give to anyone going to take the NCLEX is to expect to take all 5 hours and expect to answer all 265 questions and you wont go into a panic when the computer goes past 75 like I did.

Congrats Mariangn! I too, took the boards this week and it will be at least a week before I hear if I passed or not.

Hi, Congrats to Marianygn who passed! I am miserable because I took my boards today and I got 172 questions. I flew through the first 50 questions because I couln't wait to get to 75 and my heart was beating so fast that I could practically hear it. That was stupid because look where it got me. when I went to 100, I really became anxious. Is it me or were the questions not that bad? I felt that my Mosby and Springhouse sofware really prepared me, but now I am not sure. the fact that it was not too hard for me may indicate that I overlooked things. Does anyone know anyone who had 170 questions??

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