TMP 2008K Machine


Again I am being given different information. You all are experienced and I need your resources.

Patient usually has TMPs 40 -50 with AP/VP in upper 100's (180). The other day the TMP was +10. This is first time for "+". The AP/VPs were lower 150/130. Various explanations and teaching I have been given are.

A. Dialyzer clotting

B. Related to patient's hgb being higher

C. Not a problem

D. Should not have "+" sign in front and signifies a problem


A couple of other things to consider: what type of dialyzer was being used, I agree with the hg, and quite possible clotting. What I found to be useful at times is to increase the QD to 800 for a couple of minutes, perhaps flush with 200 cc of saline as well, this generally will ease your symptoms of + TMP.

Hope this gives you some other ideas.

Did you check to see if transducer was wet? Sometimes even if you change the transducer the TMP will improve. Then if that does not fix the problem it is a dialyzer issue.

I know we have had some problems with the medi system blood lines, do you use those?

Kel in AZ, RCG

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
Did you check to see if transducer was wet? Sometimes even if you change the transducer the TMP will improve. Then if that does not fix the problem it is a dialyzer issue.

I know we have had some problems with the medi system blood lines, do you use those?

Kel in AZ, RCG

Agree with the transducer issue. Have had this happen myself before, and as soon as I changed the transducer, all was immediately well with the crazy TMP. :)

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