Tired of A&P


I am almost done with my Prereqs for Nursing and I am truly proud. I applied to the nursing program before and didn't get in my first time due to me not doing well on the Teas test. I dropped A&P 2 because I was so stressed to the point where I felt like I needed to pull my hair out. I lost my motivation this semester because I didn't get into the nursing program which caused me to get an D in A&P 2 plus I ended up in an car accident so I wasn't focused when finals came around. I don't have a low D and it's pretty close to a C but still. My advisor told me to just keep going and take Microbiology and apply for the LVN program. I'm getting tired of A&P and it's like my motivation always leaves me. I'm almost done with the finish line. RN and LVN are two different programs at my school so I'm thinking of just trying to get into the LVN program so I can just hurry up and be in a program because honestly retail isn't working for me. I want to retake A&P 2 and do better but should I just continue with Microbiology or just retake A&P 2? I just want to get everything over with. Microbiology and A&P 2 (Retaking it) is all that I have left. This is my first D by the way and regardless I am going to retake A&P 2 but I'm kind of being too hard on myself I guess. Any lovely advice is needed.

I am sorry that you have had such a rough semester! I have felt myself feeling the burn out time to time and not wanting to study. I do have a strong reason for why I am pursuing nursing and that motivation gets me going every time. Why do you want to get into nursing? You don't have to answer that on here, but be very honest with yourself. Perhaps you need to create a vision board in your room if you don't have one.

I would say push on and retake A&P 2 later if you can't get into a program. I don't know how many chances you have left, it give yourself a break and try Micro instead. Yes, it may add some time on, but you don't seem to enjoy A&P 2 at the moment. Focus on one class at a time and then see if you are able to retake the TEAS.

While I encourage a break, I want you to also take some time to truly reflect on why you have not been doing well each time you took it. What were your grades like before the accident? An A or a B? Do you truly have healthy coping mechanisms in place when things don't go as planned? Do you have a good support system? Pre-requisites are one thing, but a nursing program is something else altogether. From what my friends say, the stress from nursing school is nothing like that from taking everything leading up to it. Also, I would recommend waiting until all your classes are done separately to possibly retake the TEAS. I would then apply after that point in time or wait to open your email/mail if you choose to apply at the same time.

Keep your head up and practice some techniques to help relieve stress. Figure out those sections you struggle in and make sure if/when you do retake A&P 2 that you meet with your professor often and a tutor. YouTube also has some great videos that can help as well. Best wishes!

I would say retaking A&P 2 would be your best bet. I definitely agree with starry nites. Rethink why you want to be a nurse and focus that bad feeling of not getting in to your program into motivation to buckle down and master it

I completely understand what your going through, Tomorrow is my last day of A&P I and by the grace of God, I will be passing. I feel like if you already made it through A&P I and II, You should try retaking 2 since you already understand what it consists of. In my school the LPN Program doesn't even include Anatomy and Physiology, so by going the route, it'll feel like wasted time so I say keep pushing on. I do understand your frustration tho, my sister has been frustrated and decided to go the LPN Route because there seems be so many barriers to get into the RN program, so she's gonna go LPN and then later on transition into a LPN-RN program.

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