Tips for transitioning from CNA to nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


I've just recently passed my boards on my second try. I'm finally an LPN.:nurse: Now it's getting a job, which I might have one if they decide to open up the new urgent care center. In the mean time, I've been working as a CNA in the ER, and have been doing so since october. Before that I worked at an assisted living place, and have done nursing homes. I've been a cna for 8yrs. Here's the thing, I graduated in June and took my first exam in aug but then found out I didn't pass. I retook the exam this month and finally passed my boards but I've been out of school for 9 months now. Now that there is a possibility of having this incredible job that reality of being out of school for that long has me a bit nervous.:wideyed: Not to mention, being a cna for so long, and now having to transition from cna to lpn. Do anybody have tips that can help me out? It would be greatly appreciated.

Don't dwell on CNA when interviewing. Answer questions respectfully, but don't keep bringing it up yourself. Instead, try to focus on your skills and attributes that you are bringing to a licensed nurse position. Congratulations and good luck!

Thank you caliotter3.

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