tips in succeeding as psychiatric hospital case manager


tips in succeeding as psychiatric hospital case manager


i am a psych nurse

how can i get more organised

how can i succeed

any websites in learning shortscuts in case management

the job offered wants me to work from hospital,pick vulnerable clients,refer to other resources,collect data,and present.

need help in data organisation

should i get a pda

why i should move to this line and why i should not move to this career

First of all, is this position in Singapore? Each country has its own characteristics in hospital settings..........

What type fo training do you actually have? Are you Master's prepared?

What type of hospital is this? A psychiatric or a general type with a psych unit?

You may also wish to post this under the psychiatric nurse section....

overseas job....

i have an advanced diploma in psychiatric nursing with case management syllabus...

a general hospital with a psych unit....

Next question: Which country? This job differs in many countries. Please be much more specific.

have been selected for the job in singapore

Did you do your training in Singapore? Are you familiar with Case Manangement duties?

What type of orientation have they offered, especially since this is something that you have not done there already a Case Mananger in the facility or will you be the first?

This may be something to post under the Case Mananger section.............

yes i did my training in Singapore?

yes familiar with Case Manangement duties?

there is already a few Case Manangers

Then definitely post your questions under both the psychaitric nursing as well as the case manager sections for more help on these two areas.

Systems will be different than the US. Be aware of that. Case manangers function as a go-between the facility and insurance company in some ways. They facilitate the treatment for the patient and any further planning that is needed. Not sure if Singapore functions in this manner.

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