Tips for Psych RN Charting


Hello All, I know this was asked before but I'm curious about how others go about writing their DAR notes (or specific form they use) with objective data to protect themselves legally if ever called into court. I guess I'm looking for help on how to make my DAR note informative and useful (like it explains how the pt is doing) but also does not get me into a bind legally in 7 years. A lot of people on the unit use a template, which I think is great but sometimes it feels not pt specific. 

Example format

Data: C.M. is a 56 y/o male with a diagnosis of MDD admitted on 4/5/2026 d/t suicidal ideation. Objective data?

Action: Adminstered medications per MD orders (see eMAR). Offered 1:1 therapeutic communication. Encouraged pt to attend therapy groups. Assessed pt for safety. 

Response: Pt denies SI/HI/AVH. Pt ....


If you have any templates or tips you use please let me know. 

Thank you in advance for the advice!

Specializes in Psych, Substance Abuse, Case Management.

Think and chart like a reporter:

Data: C.M. is a 56 y/o male with a diagnosis of MDD admitted on 4/5/2026 d/t suicidal ideation. Patient stated, "I gambled away everything, my wife left me, and I lost my job. I have no reason to live. . . I was going to take the whole bottle of Tylenol. I don't know why I didn't.” No protective factors elicited.

Action: Administered medications per MD orders (see eMAR). Offered 1:1 therapeutic communication. Encouraged pt to practice gratitude and set SMART goals. Encouraged pt to avoid isolating and attend therapy groups. Pt attended music group but did not engage with music therapist. Assessed pt for safety. Ongoing 1:1 monitoring by MHT in progress.

Response: Pt denies SI/HI/AVH. Pt rates his depression 7 on a 0-10 severity scale. Stated one of his goals is "to get a job when I get out of here.”

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