Published Mar 11, 2016
12 Posts
Hey Everyone!
I've just been accepted into nursing school after taking a two year break in school. Does anyone have any tips to help me get my "school brain" back? I know nursing school is really hard and I'm pretty nervous to start it after such a long break.
Thank you guys for any and all help!!
Quota, BSN, RN
329 Posts
Two years is nothing. I've just gone back to school to do my pre-reqs after being out of school for just over 12 years. Just jump in and be ready to work.
Thank you for your reply! Was there anything that helped you go back? It's encouraging to hear of others going back and doing good! I keep hearing horror stories of how hard it is...
I've literally JUST gotten back into school. Started my first pre-req class 4 weeks ago, start my second class on Monday. All online classes so I can mostly go at my own pace.
The hardest thing for me was to just take the plunge to finally do it. I'd thought about it for a couple years. Either getting a new job which really would result in me doing basically the same thing, lab work just in a different lab. Possibly different type of lab work but in the end lab work is lab work. Or go back to school and have a real career change. I knew IF I ever went back to school nursing is what I'd want to do.
Honestly most of the big "scary" stuff I'm seeing here from people going back to school for nursing is people afraid of the science classes. Well I was a Biology major back in the day, work 12 years in the biotech field... Science doesn't scare me, I love science. So really it depends on what about going back to school has you worried. For me it was simply the lose of my free time. I LOVE my free time to do whatever I want and I'm committing to giving up a large chuck of that. THAT was a big part of my hurdle to going back to school. If I'm going to give up my free time the end result better be good. I believe a new career in something I think I'll mostly enjoy is worth it.
Part of what I dislike about my current job is that I really don't get to learn anything any more. My day to day job is always the same, I'm not doing the exact same things every day but in general I'm not doing anything new. In nursing there are so many paths to explore, new technology, vast variety of health issues to encounter, etc. I just think I'll enjoy the end result so I'm going for it.
So far getting back into school work has been easy BUT at this point that is just an online Bio Ethics class. Next week I start A&P I.
Thank you! I'm working in a lab to and totally get what you mean about the day to day being the same. There's only so much same old same old a person can take.
I think I'm most nervous about jumping straight into the nursing work load. I have all my pre-requisites because of my biology degree. I'd love to be able to re-take a couple of science classes and wake my brain back up though! Unfortunately, it would mess up my financial aid for me to get anymore credit hours.
It sounds like you're doing great! Congratulations on following your dream to go back for nursing. I know you're going to do amazing and love every second of your new carer!!
And I got to look over my syllabus and course schedule for A&P I yesterday... It's an 8 week class jammed packed with work and assignments. Going to be a very busy 8 weeks. Regretting being so relaxed about the Bio Ethics class now which is a much lighter work load. Definitely going to rush through finishing the Bio Ethics class so I can focus solely on the A&P I class. Still excited about it though.