Published Jan 4, 2015
13 Posts
Hi all! I'm starting my preceptorship at a MedSurg observation unit, and was wondering if anyone could give me tips or insights to help me make the best of my preceptorship? Thank you!
Lev, MSN, RN, NP
4 Articles; 2,805 Posts
Ask lots of questions- appropriate ones of course.
Listen well and don't argue with your preceptor.
Bring a notebook to write stuff down.
Think of some goals ahead of time and discuss them with your preceptor. What do you want to learn, which skills do you want to practice?
Best of luck!
Thank you!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Questions should be along the line of critical thinking. Now that I have these lab results, what should I expect or recommend? Do I need to call the MD? The patient has a new complaint. Is it related to the current diagnosis or treatment? What are the major side effects of the medications this patient is receiving?
Ask your preceptor WHY they make the decisions they make. You need those rationales.
Thank you @classicdame for your response. I know many people who are just task driven and who don't stop and think of the rationales or the why behind some things. So thank you for the reminder! I know it was one thing my last clinical instructor commented on me for - for asking those types of questions and seeking to figure out why patients were getting certain treatments, etc.