Timed exam


We had our chemistry exam last Monday and had to do 50 problems is 45 mins. I found the exam at be easy in retrospect but I unfortunately couldn't handle the stress of the ticking clock and didn't have time to work out easy problems such a how many dm are in .36 cm. I have to write every conversion down and see it. It's just disappointing because I know if I had had 5 more mins it would've made a world of difference for my nerves and maintaining a cool collected state of mind. I used up the last second!

Anyone dealing with issues like this?

Hi, I understand where you are coming from. I feel like we all naturally wish to have plenty of time to score as high as we physically can. However, since you said the exam seemed easy (easy conversions is the only example you gave), having done it under 45 min should be doable. The word of wisdom is, take this one time experience as a window into the future: exams like these, even harder ones with limited time given, will be abound in the nursing program. Try to learn how to relax during such exams so you are well prepared in this regard once you enter the nursing program.

Yes, now that I've experienced the first one I know how I'll strategize for subsequent exams. It's an exciting challenge. I'll update how the next one goes and if I am able to keep a cool head. The next test is in a few weeks, it'll be mostly on acids and nomenclature.

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