Time is critical


Looking for tips/protocols on how to handle a high volume of students (seizures,diabetes,asthma,daily meds) along with a group of very high maintenance/fragile/time consuming students(GTUBES-meds,feedings)respiratory issues(suction,O2).Concerned for students saftey and my sanity!:uhoh21:

First I would tell my nurse supervisor and see if you could get an aide. If not, I would delegate some of these procedures to Special Aide. My Special Aide department has 3 assistants for 7 students. Smaller ratio than me with the total school population. I have forms that address certain procedures such as catherizations, etc. You teach, they demostate it back, you sign them as being competent. They are free to ask questions if they need. But remember, a patient going home in the hospital would be taught by family members just as a special aide assistant could learn suctioning and such. If the student can sfollow instructions, he could be taught age appropiate maint. of asthma and diabetes. Seizure uncontrolled should be referred to the doctor/parent because medication should prevent freq. episodes. Students should be more in class than in your clinic. The school should have teachers trained at level 2 to monitor basic diabetic care in class. Let them know it's one of you. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate! Oh yes, the daily medication. I used to let them dump tons of medications on me. Many mothers use you for their replacement. Meaning they don't want to remember to give it, so they have you give it. If the medicine is be taken daily, twice a day or even three times a day. I say no, it can be given at home I can give it if it's four times a day. It can be taken before they come to school and twice when they get home. Hope this helps.:smiley_ab

Define the problem:

It is not going to be about how busy you are. They will not care.

It needs to be about how the kids are not getting education because of the backup.

Analyze your time. How much time you are spending doing specific things.

Analyze your traffic flow - how many visits are unnecessary? Work with your principal to identify which students really need to see you and provide kits for teachers to take care of the little stuff in the classroom. Emphasize it is to avoid how much time the students are missing out of class.

Some teachers send kids to the nurse because they say, "can I go to the nurse". Work with principal for the teachers to screen them a bit.

Analyze how much time students are missing of class because you are so busy and they have to wait for you. TOTAL that time: "Mrs Principal, last week students missed a total of 4 hours of class because they had to wait for me".

Define the solution:

If you use your analysis of your time above, you will be able to identify if you need: 1:1 aides, a clerk, or another nurse. .

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