Published Sep 20, 2005
elizabells, BSN, RN
2,094 Posts
I made the classic mistake of opening my big mouth in class today - we were talking about idiopathic thrombocytic purpurea, and I could swear I remember learning in clinicals that it is more common in pregnant women than in the general population. My instructor didn't know and now I have to research and present on Friday. That'll learn me. Of course, Google is unhelpful. Does anyone have any experience with increased rates of ITP in pregnancy? I had a pt in clinical that had it and stroked during delivery...
3 Posts
Here is what I found. I used copernic. It is a free search engine online. I used alot during nursing school. I hope it helps.
Debi C.
10 Articles; 19,022 Posts
immune thrombocytopenic purpura (itp) the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is determined by the severity of the symptoms. in some cases, no therapy is needed. ...
emedicine - immune thrombocytopenia and pregnancy : article by ...
... and usually is caused by an increased rate of platelet destruction. ...
itp can be diagnosed during pregnancy, though, most often, women present for ...
thrombocytopenia during pregnancy
consequently itp is commonly encountered during pregnancy. ... they also have
significantly higher rates of neonatal thrombocytopenia with or without its ...
itp and pregnancy
itp and pregnancy. daniel skupski, md associate professor of obstetrics and ...
no different from the rate of these types of problems in women without itp. ...$2689
Danke! I do so love being right... :)