Those that to relocate and plan to move back downstate...

U.S.A. New York



I was wondering if anyone got a job downstate after they had to relocate either upstate or to another state with at least 6 months to a year of experience?

Are you getting calls back from hospitals or are you having just as hard a time when you were applying downstate in the beginning?

Hi bjorklover, I moved up to albany in November of last year because of the tough job market for RNs in the city. Once I got my six months of experience I started applying to jobs downstate and after about a month of applying I got three callbacks! I was sure I wouldn't get any interviews with only six months exp. but I was pleasantly surprised! I accepted an rn position for a med-Surg floor in a city hospital. I have a second interview for another hospital and will see how that goes. Not interested anymore in the third hospital that called me back. It was a sacrifice moving up there to albany but it was definitely worth it. I'll be handing in my resignation soon for my current job and so happy to be moving back to the city!

Wow that is cool to hear! I have 8 months experience, July will make 9 months and I just updated my résumé and started applying for jobs downstate. You're giving me so much hope now that I can move back with my family. And you got a job in the city! Very nice and thanks for replying

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