Published Oct 22, 2012
2 Posts
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the site, have been working on an intermediate care unit (IMCU- step down from ICU) for 3 years (my whole RN career :)). While this has been great experience, I have recently been thinking about making a switch to Mother/Baby. I'm not as excited about critical care anymore, mostly due to the high demands of our unit and stress. I know every unit has their own form of stress, but I hate the fact that I come home after work and am consistently tense and crabby because of my day.
My only reservation about leaving the critical care area is that I might not be able to get a job in the OR or PACU down the road if I wanted to... Doesn't seem that there would be a whole lot of areas to go to after working in Mother/Baby.
I really need some advice from you seasoned RN's out there, trying to save myself before I'm totally burnt out!! Thanks!
Nurse ABC
437 Posts
If you think you'd like it then I'd try it. No one says you have to be stuck in it forever. As long as you're working and gaining experience as a nurse you shouldn't have trouble getting to work in other areas. That's what is great about nursing-the variety.