There are happy endings!!


Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to go ahead and share my story because I had sooooo much anxiety about applying for boards. On my cross country road trip to start nursing school, I got a ticket for misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. I hired a lawyer and he told me my best bet was to plead guilty to the possession of paraphernalia, and the possession of marijuana would be dropped. So I did, and we worked out a way to "dismiss" the case after the fact. This state does not expunge, but after you pay the fine, they dismiss it after the fact.

Anyways, I'm in Florida, and they do level 2 background checks, and for what they look for, I was able to pass the level 2 background check, but it came up EVERY semester with the new clinical site and my anxiety would always be off the charts that it would come up and I would be kicked out of school. Well it never turned up on the level 2 background checks so I was able to go through the program. During my 3rd semester, I was able to get a job at a major hospital as student nurse because they too did level 2 background checks, and only asked about felonys on the job application. So I started as a student nurse and when I did, I was told that I was going to be able to transition to the RN role once I graduate.

And lastly, I recently applied to the board, I disclosed everything, gave all the facts, and had to send them all of the court information as well as letters or recommendation. And I was cleared. Something I learned after finding out that I was clear was that this state does not put limitations on a license when you first apply, either you are clear, or your case is sent to the board. There is also a convictions guidelines sheet that is available

that gives a general idea of where you stand. Anyways.... I was soooooooo anxious about my past and everything worked out. I read this forum very regularly for what to expect, and it was an emotional roller coaster and the success stories really helped me to calm down sometimes and I wanted to share my story.

Best of luck to everyone here!

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