The road to becoming a NP with a bachelor's degree that is not nursing


So recently I have been looking into accelerated nursing programs so that I could eventually become a nurse practitioner. The accelerated nursing program would give me a BSN in the end however recently, I have been looking into becoming an RN. Is it possible to become an NP if I am an RN but have a bachelor's degree in another field?

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There are graduate programs in nursing that will take RNs with other baccalaureate degrees; they are usually a little longer, and include the extra courses that you would have taken in the course of getting a BSN. Of course, that option limits your choices of graduate programs significantly. There are plenty of BSN completion programs for people who are ADN or diploma graduates and want to complete a BSN (regardless of whether or not they have another baccalaureate degree, but having another degree would probably save you some time (and $$) and general education courses).

There are "direct entry" graduate programs in nursing for people with no prior nursing education or licensure; these programs are, basically, an Accelerated BSN and MSN program combo. That option would just bypass the entire "becoming an RN first" step, though.

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