The perfect Home Health Software.


Hi guys, let me start by immediately stating that I work as a project manager for a software company. I am not a clinician (but married to physician and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last month) however I often use this forum to get a real world handle on how the real clinician works and thinks in their field work. This post is not designed to solicit business, but feedback.

One of the issue I face and I'm sure you face is that the decision makers in the typical agency very rarely communicate with the field staff when decisions are to be made on choosing software.

It's also very hard for software companies to solicit feedback from clinicians who are the end users, and it comes down to a love and hate relationship.

What I would love to hear, is please no names of the software you use, but rather, what do you absolutely love and what do you absolutely hate about your current system.

As an example, I met with a clinician this morning who loves the ability to print out the medication profile and interactions, but the print out is not designed for visually impaired patients (The font is too small).

Again, if you have time please share your love/hate but please keep it honest and let's not point fingers or name vendors. What's the real work force looking for and appreciating?

From a home health perspective I would to have a system that allows us immediate access to hospital and physician office records. I would also like the ability to communicate quickly and privately with a physician along with photos (wounds etc)- occasionally I will have doctors that provide me with their personal cell number making texting this information very easy. It would be really nice to have all of this tied into one system.

Off the top of my head:

-ability to quickly/easily view all past visit data (helps with noting trends, variances, etc).

-ability to view all visit notes in succession, rather than clicking around to open individual visits to view notes

-questions that have been answered on admission and are essentially unchanged will either not be asked again, or will have original data pulled forward (ex: dentures, hearing aid, wears glasses).

-assessment data order is logical (i.e. All vital sign data is together, so you don't chart HR and BP and then several screens later chart lung sounds). I know not everyone would agree with this, but personally I would like my "hands-on" charting lumped together and not mixed in with my "conversation" charting.

-agree with PP that ability to communicate with MD would be great

-ETA: I would love software that makes tracking time easy. It is a PITA, right now.

Create a "smart software ". If you do not complete required elements, you will not be able to save your note/ assessment. For example: if patient has Dx of CHF - wt is required , and if it is wt gain > 5 lb in 1 week you have a button to create communication to physician. If no, nurse cannot save her document . It is always supposed to be a override button in case wt cannot be obtained ....

Thank you for you input! Please keep the feedback coming!

Spell check! I hate mis spelling things, but I'm not a great speller and I'm often typing too quickly to pick up errors (if I even notice them) and the text font is sooooo small (and not adjustable). So spell check in note software please!

and I like the idea of prepopulated info being pulled into the visit then updated.

I do hear quite a few caregivers asking about pre-filling of data from previous notes. I totally understand how this would be a immense time saver, but also understand concerns that it may raise, by those that won't take the time to review the documentation in a timely manner. I know of a few agencies that have been de-certified by this as well as had a substantial amount of recouped payments due 100% to this. So where do we find a way to make it work for both sides of the fence, giving the clinical staff the flexibility and ease of use, but also protecting the agency from cloned documentation. There has to be a way. By the way, for those that do have this feature, be very careful with it. I have a copy of a memo from the OIG to CMS to insure that if a provider is using an EMR system, then to look closely for this practice. There is always something right?

I do hear quite a few caregivers asking about pre-filling of data from previous notes. I totally understand how this would be a immense time saver, but also understand concerns that it may raise, by those that won't take the time to review the documentation in a timely manner. I know of a few agencies that have been de-certified by this as well as had a substantial amount of recouped payments due 100% to this. So where do we find a way to make it work for both sides of the fence, giving the clinical staff the flexibility and ease of use, but also protecting the agency from cloned documentation. There has to be a way. By the way, for those that do have this feature, be very careful with it. I have a copy of a memo from the OIG to CMS to insure that if a provider is using an EMR system, then to look closely for this practice. There is always something right?

i think there are certain aspects of an assessment that could be prepopulated without causing concern. Things like wound location. That's not changing. Or maybe what would be better is the ability to see the last assessment findings without closing your visit and reopening the next. I prefer to have some sort of benchmark, since I do per diem visits and don't see patients serially. Being able to easily see the last assessment findings while I am at the visit would be super helpful. Maybe more check boxes too. For example, falls are a big thing. Our current documentation doesn't have anything specific to falls. A check box of "falls since last visit, yes/no" would be a simple way to indicate that we had asked. Most of the nurses I follow in home care are terrible at narrative notes, but our software relies heavily on assessment findings being included in a narrative note.

Regarding repopulation -- our software does that, but what would make it more helpful would be if the repopulated fields would show up in a different color that would change to black when edited. Otherwise it's easy to miss a comments field and old/outdated info. It would make it easier for the clinicians as well as QA.

Would love a good MAR/TAR.

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