Published Aug 17, 2007
109 Posts
OK here's one to make ya think
pt comes in 36+ weeks co ctx.....she is having ctx 8-15 min apart....talkes through them....rates as 8/10 (you all know this patient) she is 1/50/high
2 hours later she is 1/50/high...refuses to leave (because she KNOWS she is in labor)is given a shot of demerol
2 hours later she is 1/50/high not having ctx order for DC home
pt refuses to leave....demanding to be induced...explained will not induce at 36 crying/yelling states she is not leaving. MD is called.....MD talks to patient states she will not states she is not leaving, monitors is sitting in room
so what do you do??? I am sure the ER has run into do you handel it??
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
get house supervisor to explain that once discharged she has no right to stay in the room and security can be summoned to assist her to the door. Also, the nurses are not allowed to treat her now, since she was discharged. I would also get a chaplain or someone with a calm demeanor to get her fear assuaged. Maybe they could recommend she go to the cafeteria or chapel or some other "public" area and, if sx change she should return to admission.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Here is a previous thread that related to a similar issue: