Published Oct 18, 2010
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
ajn: the national institute of nursing research: 25 years of bringing science to life
molyneux, jacob
ajn, american journal of nursing. 110(10):24-27, october 2010.
this timeline highlights the achievements of the ninr and the many ways patients have benefited from nursing research and its application in evidence-based practice.
since 1985, the national centerfor nursing research (ncnr)—rechristenedin 1993 as the national instituteof nursing research (ninr)—has played a central role in making itpossible for nurses to conduct researchand improve nursing practice. the timelinebelow provides a sense of thisevolving work in nursing research andwhy it matters—and will continue tomatter—for the health and well-being of patients
since 1985, the national center
for nursing research (ncnr)—rechristened
in 1993 as the national institute
of nursing research (ninr)—
has played a central role in making it
possible for nurses to conduct research
and improve nursing practice. the timeline
below provides a sense of this
evolving work in nursing research and
why it matters—and will continue to
matter—for the health and well-being of patients
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