

Specializes in ED, School Nursing.

:Di just wanted to say thanks

and have a great summer!!!!!!:D

i have thought so many times about leaving this job and wondered why we do this to i can do nothing about the poster putty in your hair!!! do i look like your mom!???!?!! & no you may not use my scissors! (i can hear that angry parent on the phone with the principal!) you are in 6th grade!

but then i have a student who comes in here and has lost nearly 50lbs and will not be having surgery this summer!:yeah:and she says she couldn't have done it without my support! :loveya: wow!

this job may not be my dream job or a perfect one, but what job is? i get a lot more benefits here and thanks than i ever did in the hospital!

so what i am trying to say is :bow:thanks:bow: to you for helping me to carry this 50lb doubt on my shoulders and learning that this is the right job for me! who knows where our paths lead as long as we keep moving and have good friends with us!:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe

now which way to the beach!!??

Specializes in School Nursing.

have a wonderful, safe summer !!

praiser :heartbeat

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