Published Sep 21, 2014
542 Posts
I have a fabulous clinical instructor this term. I had her for theory in a previous class and she was great as a theory instructor as well.
In clinical, she is clear about her expectations. She tells us exactly what order she wants us to do things in and gave us material to help us do that (example: gave us a sheet that tells us what order to click things in the patient's chart in order to get a clear picture of their history. She told us that we don't have to do it her way if we have our own method but this is what she suggests. PHENOMENAL! no other teacher has ever done this and it is beyond helpful).
Before we even get report, we are to look things up and come up with what we think our priority NANDAS will be for the patient...the information is more important to her than the actual terminology. This tells her what we think the important interventions are and where we are trying to go with this patient.
We also do a med map for each patient that is again useful because even if you aren't passing meds that day you look them up and learn side effects, etc.
We meet with the instructor before we see our patient and go over this with her. She gives us feedback and suggestions, and praises what we have done well as well! I have never had an instructor who emphasizes positive feedback just as much as negative feedback.
Then we meet with our nurse, get report and go about our day for our patients. At the end of the day in post conference we give a mini report to our fellow students and discuss the day and if any of our priorities changed based on how the patient was doing (which usually happens!).
Just phenomenal. I feel like I have learned more in the past three weeks with this instructor than in every other clinical combined because she doesn't waste time!!
I truly cannot thank her enough. I have told her how great I think she is but it doesn't seem like it is enough.
To those nursing educators out there: do you guys have any awards that students can nominate you for at the state/national level? How do I do this?
Every nursing instructor should be like her. She sets high expectations but actually TEACHES and doesn't waste opportunities and is fair and clear with what those expectations are.